
Symbol Grade Price % Change Allocation
VALE D 0.43 1.09
CHT D -2.12 0.57
ABEV F -0.48 0.33
ERJ D -2.79 0.32
BCH C -1.20 0.22
AKO.A C 0.00 0.13
SBSW D 6.06 0.09
YY C 1.16 0.07
GGB F -2.09 0.00
The JPMorgan Diversified Return Emerging Markets Equity ETF seeks to provide core emerging market equity exposure with better risk-adjusted returns than cap weighted indexes. The fund tracks the FTSE Emerging Diversified Factor Index, which employs a unique risk framework to diversify risks across regions and super sectors, and a multi-factor stock ranking process to identify companies with strong fundamentals.
Exchange Traded Fund ETF Exchange Traded Funds Index Fund Ftse Emerging Index
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