Technical Ratings from TradingView

by SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

I note that charts on SwingTradeBot are from TradingView.  TradingView is my preferred charting site.  Strongly trending stocks are marked on TV by longs strings of Blue (Buy) technical ratings or Red (Sell) technical ratings.

TradingView's own screening system is unable to screen for changes in their own tech ratings.  My trading results would improve (possibly significantly) if I could find stocks whose technical ratings have shifted from red to blue within the past one to two days.

Is this a Scan/Signal SwingTradeBot could provide?

TraderMike 10 months ago

Good question...  So I don't have access to TradingView's ratings, so SwingTradeBot can't provide any scans for exactly that.   (The charts are just a widget that TV provides & is essentially a marketing tool for them)  Something SwingTradeBot does have which might be a tiny bit similar are the "Grade Rose To" and "Grade Fell To" scans.

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TraderMike 10 months ago

You may want to play around with the RSI Crossover scan too.  Perhaps you can find an RSI level that give you good results

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

I just checked out the "Grade Rose To" scan.  The only populated grade change is "A", which looks really strange.  On page 5 is AXON, a stock I just sold earlier this morning.  The chart doesn't look like it would support a "B" to "A" raise yesterday, and in my portfolio it has been an "A" for several days (not just yesterday).  Since I can't access a daily history of grades for any stock,  I have to wonder if the scan is working properly.

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TraderMike 10 months ago

oh, what do you mean by "The only populated grade change is A"?  You should be able choose A, B, C or D from the dropdown.  Is that not working for you? 

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TraderMike 10 months ago

You can see the history of a stock's grade by looking at its historical trend table page (which is linked from the stock's main page).  Here's the last 3 days for AXON, showing it went from an  A to a B & back to an A:

AXON_grade_history.png 84 KB

You may want to also see my comments here from 10 days ago about how & why these grades can fluctuate. AXON is most likely right on the edge of being a B+ / A- stock.  

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

The historical trend table page is an eye-opener that I didn't know I could access.  Thanks, Mike, for enlightening me.  If there's a weak part of SwingTradeBot, it's ease of navigation.  But that's a topic for another day.

Did you happen to check out why the "Grade Rose To" scan works only for "A"?  Surely the market is not so stagnant that there are no rises to "B", "C", etc.

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TraderMike 10 months ago

So I just checked your account and you do indeed have a DEFAULT scan parameter set to only look for grade A stocks.  So the scan is doing exactly what you've instructed it to do by filtering out all non-A rated stocks by default.  You can either change your default settings or manually adjust the filters on the scan page.  

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TraderMike 10 months ago

I see lots of results for all the grades.  Is it possible that you have a scan parameter than is filtering out the other results?  Do you have a grade filter applied as well?

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

I don't see anything filtering out results.  Do you?
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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

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TraderMike 10 months ago

Grade -> A is the problem!

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TraderMike 10 months ago

Did you click the "Reveal more scan criteria" button?
reveal_more.png 49.3 KB

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

Is the above what you mean by "more scan criteria"?

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

OK, I see the Grade restriction there!

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TraderMike 10 months ago

yep -- See the Grade parameter

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SensitiveApe144 10 months ago

Thanks for the troubleshooting help, Mike.  Aside from the link you provided way up top here, how do I navigate to Trend Tables?

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TraderMike 10 months ago

You're welcome.

Links to the historical trend tables are on each stock's main page in the trend table section.
IMG_2502.jpeg 757 KB

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