Expansion Breakouts

by SwingScalp 12 months ago

Looking for some weaker names exhibiting recent strength.  Used EOD Expansion Breakout filter and sorted using STB ranking "D" and discovered PLUG BAND MLKN SYNA BN HALO PNFP WU SPT INFY.  My filter used minumum volume of 400,000 and price range of $10 to $500.  Now can apply the Hit & Run rules for Expansion BO's and see what happens on one or more of these.

TraderMike 12 months ago

Makes sense.  The Expansion Pivot scan (regardless of the letter grade) may also turn up some charts you'll like.  Those ones have just popped above their 50 DMAs and are likely not quite as extended as the EBO charts.  Just depends on your style

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SwingScalp 12 months ago

Agreed, thanks for the insights.

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