Maybe some jobs need to be taken over by AI ;-)

by TraderMike over 1 year ago

Yesterday I started testing out a new data provider for SwingTradeBot.  Here's a convo I just had with their tech support person who I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually an AI / bot:

I  noticed that they're missing some stocks.  So I sent:

Your API is returning 400 error codes for the following US listed stocks: OCTO, DO, MCOM, HTZ, BNMV, CECO, HCTI, AMTD, CIVI

about 24 hours later (which is why I figured the response was NOT from a bot) they replied with a template response: In order for us to understand what the issue is, can you please provide more details using the format below: blah, blah, blah ...

Me: I restructure my message in the requested format.

Them: Can you please specify the full name of the stock AMTD?

Me: from the Yahoo Finance link I provided in my previous response - AMTD IDEA Group

Them:  Please, can you use 9AMA symbol instead.

Me: No, I can't.  Your API gives me:

"symbol": "9AMA",
"name": "AMTD IDEA Group",
"exchange": "FSX",
"mic_code": "XFRA",
"currency": "EUR"...

But all the stocks I listed are US listed -- NYSE, NASDAQ or AMEX and trade in USD, not EUR.  Moreover, why would you expect me to use an incorrect ticker symbol? 


Maybe an AI needs to take that person's job because they seem to be clueless. SMH

TraderMike over 1 year ago

BTW, other than the handful of missing tickers, the new API is working well.  You may have noticed that the intraday alerts now start showing up within a couple of minutes after the open.  That's thanks to this new data provider.

My previous provider didn't give a clean OHLC quote until after 9:45, so I had code to wait until a good/clean/complete OHLC quote came through before processing alerts for a stock.  

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