Updated Portfolio Pages Sorting Columns Capability

by SwingScalp over 1 year ago

Love the refresh on the Portfolio Pages so that users can sort Columns like in Watchlist Pages.  Very welcome addition thanks for the programming effort.

TraderMike over 1 year ago

You're welcome.  Thanks for the push.  That was actually part of the table sorting thing I told you about via email a couple of weeks ago.  I'll be slowly switching over almost all tables to do the sorting on the web server instead of sending all the data to the web browser and relying on Javascript to do the pagination & sorting.  The problem with sorting the portfolios the old way was that I couldn't get it to ignore the table footer where the totals & cash amount were, so those rows would get sorted too.  LOL

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SwingScalp over 1 year ago

The more I am working with the large pop-up charts in Portfolios and Watchlists the more I love it.  By the way, on those charts, is the moving average an SMA(50)?  Are the bands Bollinger Bands using default 20 period and 2 standard deviations?

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TraderMike over 1 year ago

I'm glad you like the new layout / sizing.  Yes, those are the settings on the pop-up charts

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SwingScalp over 1 year ago

Got it, thanks Michael.

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