A New Coat of Paint for the Site

You may notice that the site looks a little different today. I've been wanting to change the site's theme (template) for a long time and I finally got around to doing it. Things are pretty much in the same location as before, so hopefully you'll still be able to find your way around. Please let me know (leave a comment below or email me at swingtradebot-at-gmail-dot-com) if you run into something strange and/or broken.

There were a couple of technical issues with that old theme that have always bothered me -- like when the menu would get finicky about staying open -- plus it was starting to build up a good bit of technical debt. So I'm glad to have the shiny new theme in place. I have a few more things to tweak but then I'll be able to turn my focus back to feature development and adding more help/educational content to the site.


SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by AJayHubs (@AJayHubs) on 2016-11-17 00:47:18.

Looks great!

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by TraderMike (@mseneadza) on 2016-11-17 02:47:37.


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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by Bill Pearson (@whp03) on 2016-11-24 05:56:37.

I sorta liked the extra white space around the main page. Having everything run from one boarder to the other makes it look like the page content is zoomed out. Other than that - thanks for looking out for your users, and seeking to improve our experience on the site.

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by TraderMike (@mseneadza) on 2016-11-24 15:42:47.

Bill, I know what you mean about the wider columns. I have mixed feelings about them. They say that narrower columns of text are easier to read - less eye movement required. But I also like that the charts are larger now. I'll see if I can find a happy medium.

P.S. Note that you can shrink the width of your browser and the columns will shrink proportionally.

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by Bill Pearson (@whp03) on 2016-11-24 15:57:16.

Perhaps the charts could be expandable with a click, while the overall width of the content is more similar to how it was previously?

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by TraderMike (@mseneadza) on 2016-11-25 16:33:43.

I've adjusted the layout to add back some space on the sides.

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by Bill Pearson (@whp03) on 2016-11-25 17:04:05.

For what's it's worth - to me the wider margins make it far easier on the eyes...thank you. I for one appreciate going back to wider margins, but you have a big audience who I am sure also has an opinion.

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SwingTradeBot over 7 years ago

This comment was originally posted by TraderMike (@mseneadza) on 2016-11-25 17:23:01.

I got an email from somebody else yesterday complaining about the margins, so I have a feeling it was bothering many more people as well. And, like I said, I had mixed feeling about them. I'm happy with the way it is now.

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