Notice for Microsoft Browser (Edge and Internet Explorer) Users...

Over the last few months several people have complained to me about some feature of the site not working (for them).  Without fail every one of those folks who had issues was using either Microsoft's Edge or Internet Explorer web browsers

Things like not being able to see the site's pop-up charts, or the full page of charts feature or nothing happening when clicking the "Add to Watchlist" or "Add to Portfolio" buttons.  There are probably other things which are also broken.  Basically, if you're using a Microsoft browser and you've experienced clicking/tapping on things and nothing happening, it's likely because a failure within your browser.  All the aforementioned functionality works fine in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and even on Android (Chrome) devices and iOS (Safari) devices. 

 I'm not sure why the Microsoft browsers refuse to work -- for whatever reason they aren't able to execute this site's Javascript properly.  The only solution I've come up with is to use a different browser -- Chrome, Firefox or Opera are all excellent choices.

If you can't switch browsers, you can try clearing your browser's cache but I'm not sure if that will work or if you won't have to clear it again the next time I update the site, which happens pretty frequently.   

P.S.  Microsoft recently announced that they're effectively throwing in the towel on their own browsing engines and instead will be adopting the Google Chrome (Chromium) engine.  So you may as well take that hint and change your browser now! 


SwingTradeBot over 4 years ago

This comment was originally posted by Surasakdi Siegelin (@surasakdisiegelin) on 2020-01-03 04:31:28.

How does it do with Braves new Browser?

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