CAOS seeks to actively earn positive returns during periods of significant US equity drawdowns while minimizing the return drag of collateral. The fund allocates up to 20% of portfolio assets in long and/or short SPX Index options, depending on market status. Between 1%-10% of the portfolio is allocated to protective options positioned to appreciate in value when the index declines by more than 25%, which is considered to be a tail risk event. If a tail risk event does not occur, the cost of the protective positions will reduce returns. The remaining 70%-80% of the funds portfolio is collateral consisting of US T-bills, box spreads, and money market instruments. Up to 100% of the collateral may be placed with the Alpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF (ticker: BOXX). An ETF that uses box spreads to provide the exposure of 1-3 month treasury bills. The strategy involves frequent trading which increases costs and turnover rate, both having negative impacts on the fund. CAOS operated as a mutual fund until its conversion into an ETF, starting with $126 million in net assets.
Exchange Traded Funds
Tail Risk