Stocks which Triggered: Gap Down Partially Closed Intraday Alert

Stocks which had a full gap down and then rose above the previous session's low price. (Here's a good source for more detail on the difference between full & partial gaps as well as ideas on gap trading strategies.) *** Filtered by your default parameters: Minimum Price: 10.0, Maximum Price: 999999.0, Minimum Volume: 250000
*** Changes to the filters below will only be applied for Gold or Platinum Plan subscribers ***

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Stock Grade % Change Processed At
MASI D -7.58
UBSI D -0.46
CLDX C 5.35
ZION C -0.12
TSLQ F -6.00
ADBE B 0.80
CCOI D -2.13
CMCSA F -2.53
ESS B 0.23
GMAB F -1.11

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